Hi everyone this is my blog, I hope you can know me with it.
Hi, my name’s Luis Alberto but everybody calls me Darsien because he was my first creation (he was the principal character of my first history), I’m from Maracaibo, originally. I live in Maracaibo, in Veritas. I’m 18 years old and I study Mass communication at URBE. My favotite subjects are Universal literature and history.
I love watch the anime, write histories, play videogames and go to parties with my friends.
Is difficult to say what I hate but I’m going to try, I hate Wait for something, have a bad image, do lots of things, the bad translate, the indirect persons and do something what I hate for obligation.
My dream is something impressive, because I don’t have one I have some dreams but I want all come true. My dreams are
1. Be a good director and make movies from my histories
2. Create a translate company to make good translates of the anime
3. Use my director’s abilities to create videogames of the best Rank
4. public my histories
5. Learn Japanese
6. Learn good edition skills to make good editions
7. And finally one day be married with someone who enjoy be with me, and be happy to the end
I love watch the anime, write histories, play videogames and go to parties with my friends.
Is difficult to say what I hate but I’m going to try, I hate Wait for something, have a bad image, do lots of things, the bad translate, the indirect persons and do something what I hate for obligation.
My dream is something impressive, because I don’t have one I have some dreams but I want all come true. My dreams are
1. Be a good director and make movies from my histories
2. Create a translate company to make good translates of the anime
3. Use my director’s abilities to create videogames of the best Rank
4. public my histories
5. Learn Japanese
6. Learn good edition skills to make good editions
7. And finally one day be married with someone who enjoy be with me, and be happy to the end
I’m not sure if is my favorite class but I like the English, and I use the English in lots of things: the games, the movies, the series and I think is too useful and important for everyone
Well thats all, I wait paciently the comments, see you later guys
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